80×64 Thermopile Infrared Array

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80×64 Thermopile Infrared Array

The HTPA80x64d is a small size, high performance, low cost thermopile infrared array for thermal imaging inside a TO-8 housing. Due to the digital SPI interface, only six pins are needed for operation. It has a 16-bit ADC and built-in EEPROM stores all calibration data. The framerate can be set individually and depends on the sensor clock and ADC resolution. For high 16-bit resolution, framerates of up to 20 Hz are possible, while lower ADC resolutions allow framerates of up to 30 Hz and more. Different available optical lenses, integrated with the array in TO-8 housing, provide fields of view (FOV) from 12×9 degree up to 120×90 degree.

Features and Benefits

  • 80×64 thermopile pixels
  • True shutterless operation
  • 12×9° to 120×90° FOV
  • High framerates of 9 Hz to 60 Hz
  • 16-bit ADC resolution
  • High object temperature range



Supply voltage (DC)3.3+0.3/-0.0V
Current consumption25± 5mA
Clock frequency (Sensor)5± 3MHz
Ambient temperature range-20 to 85°C
Object temperature range-20 to >1000°C
Framerate (full frame)2 to 60Hz
Framerate (quarter frame)8 to 240Hz
NETD (best optics)230 or 70*mK@1Hz

Example Picture