Thermopile Infrared Array Modules

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Thermopile Array Development Support

To get started with instrument development based on our thermopile infrared imaging arrays, we offer quick access to your first thermal image to help you achieve rapid development progress. For quick plug-and-play access, we provide a USB Application Set with our windows based software to get started with the thermopile array sensor. Explore its possibilities and see if it is suited for the application you have in mind. This will enable you to take a quick decision on suitability before you start a software and support hardware development process.We also offer a software development kit (SDK), which is basically an Arduino shield capable of operating all of our different thermopile array sensors. With the documentation and software, you will be guided through the process of getting the thermal image read out of your sensor.


USB Application Set

Our USB application sets consist of HTPA thermopile sensor packaged with lens mounted on a small PCB with signal processing and power set in a modular metal housing for thermal image capturing and easy evaluation of our thermopile array data. It is a plug-and-play solution and all you need is a Windows PC with our FREE ArraySoft software installed. Just plug-in the USB connector and see your thermal image. The user can instantly start evaluating the sensor for suitability to the intended application, measurement and test. The USB application sets are available with all Heimann HTPA arrays from 8×8 and 16×16 to 32×32 and 80×64 pixels with various lens options. The target temperature range of the USB application set is determined by the sensor type.
  • HTPA thermopile array sensor with 8×8 to 120×84 pixels
  • USB communication and power supply
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI) for visualization with:
    • Temperature display
    • Interpolation & data log mode
    • Control up to 10 independent devices


Application Set (UDP communication)

We designed an application set in a modular metal housing for thermal imaging and an easy evaluation of our array data. The modules’ field of view depends on the built-in lens and can be varied on demand. The object temperature range depends on the array type and lens. For every array type, we additionally provide a matching application set in our portfolio, which allows full sensor control. The application set processes the data and communicates via Ethernet/UDP to a PC. On PC side, the data stream can be visualized and logged with a Graphical User Interface. With the given software the user can instantly start with sensor evaluation, measurements and testing.
  • HTPA thermopile array sensor with 8×8 to 120×84 pixels
  • UDP communication (Ethernet)
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI) for visualization with:

    • Temperature display
    • Interpolation & data log mode
    • Control up to 10 independent devices


Thermopile Array Application Shield (Arduino SDK)

To get started with software development for our thermopile array sensors, our Application Shield for Arduino will help you to receive the image data out of the sensor. It is designed to read our thermopile array sensors with an Arduino or STM32 Nucleo board. The code is completely open source and includes all required steps from reading the EEPROM and sensor values to calculation of the final temperature image. The C++ sample code can be viewed and modified via the Arduino IDE. The PCB is designed as an Arduino extension and supports the boards Arduino Due and STM32F446RE Nucleo.
  • Arduino shield for thermopile array software development
  • Full C++ sample code to read thermal image data
  • Completely open source
  • Can be connected to our ArraySoft software for visualization and:
  •  Requires additional Arduino ethernet shield